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Control Their Heart Mind Script and Plant Words Domination spell ~ Compels openness and receptivity ~ Make them speak/act in alignment with your desires

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 Product Description


This is a potent casting that utilizes the art of verbal puppetry to plant feelings in the heart and script the mind of the target individual. This spell is designed to influence how others perceive you, feel about you, and communicate with you in a genuine and positive manner. By aligning their thoughts and emotions with your intentions, you can create harmonious interactions and deepen connections with those around you.

~ Inspires genuine and heartfelt communication
~ Breaks through stubbornness and resistance
~ Compels openness and receptivity
~ Fosters understanding and empathy

This spell works by subtly influencing the target individual's subconscious mind, encouraging them to speak and act in alignment with your desires. It bypasses resistance and fear, creating a space for authentic and heartfelt interactions to blossom. This spell is a powerful tool for enhancing relationships, resolving conflicts, and building trust and rapport with others.

The blessings and attributes of this spell include fostering empathy, enhancing communication skills, and promoting emotional connection. It can be used in various areas of life, such as love, friendship, family dynamics, and professional relationships. It is a compelling choice for those seeking to create harmonious and genuine connections with others, fostering mutual understanding and respect.

It has the amazing ability to facilitate positive and authentic communication, deepen relationships, and overcome barriers to connection. It offers a unique and effective approach to influencing how others perceive and interact with you, making it a valuable tool for those seeking to create meaningful and harmonious relationships in their lives.

1. Romantic Relationships: It will help mend misunderstandings and facilitate open and honest communication between partners, fostering a deeper emotional connection and strengthening the bond of love.

2. Family Dynamics: Use the spell to navigate challenging family relationships, encouraging empathy and understanding among family members, and promoting harmonious interactions during family gatherings or discussions.

3. Friendships: Enhance your friendships by using the spell to promote genuine communication and mutual respect, deepening the bonds of friendship and fostering long-lasting connections.

4. Professional Relationships: Employ the spell in the workplace to improve communication with colleagues or superiors, break through communication barriers, and create a harmonious and collaborative work environment.

5. Social Interactions: When meeting new people or attending social events, the spell can help you convey your intentions and feelings authentically, making it easier to connect with others and build meaningful relationships.

~  Resolving conflicts with a romantic partner and fostering better communication in the relationship.
~ Improving communication and understanding within a strained family dynamic.
~ Facilitating open and honest conversations with colleagues or superiors in the workplace to enhance professional relationships.

Instructions are simple: Just provide your details in the questionnaire format for each spell you purchase. While pictures are not mandatory, they can be helpful in enhancing the spell's effectiveness.


Here's what you need to provide:



A. Title of the spell you purchased:


B. Names and birth dates (if known) of those involved:


C. Brief details of the situation you want to address:


D. Up to ten custom special requests to focus the spell's energy:


E. Email address to receive the photo of your ritual:


Rest assured, nothing physical will be shipped to you. Instead, you will receive a personalized photo of your ritual sent directly to your email. To keep the service affordable and efficient, no detailed description of the spell work will be included. Most spells are cast within 12-72 hours from the time your order and information are received.

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