This reading may be used to gain insight on one specific spell that has already been cast. No Pic of Reading. The answers will be emailed to you, typically answers are three to five sentences per question.
Please send:
The names of those involved:
The title of the specific spell you had cast which these readings will be regarding:
Any other details/updates of the situation you may want to relay:
your choice of 3 questions from the list below:
2. What obstacles or challenges might arise during the spell work manifestation process, and how can I overcome them?
3. What hidden or underlying energies should I be aware of that could impact the outcome of this spell?
4. How can I tap into the full potential of my own personal energy to enhance the effectiveness of this spell?
5. What energies have been activated or set in motion as a result of the spell work?
6. How are the spell energies currently interacting and influencing the situation at hand?
7. What potential obstacles or challenges may arise as a result of these energies, and how can I navigate them effectively?
8. What additional spell work can I incorporate to support and enhance the desired outcome of the spell?
9. What are insights or guidance regarding the overall energy of the situation and the potential outcome of the spell work?
10. How are the energies from the spell work currently aligning with my intentions and desired outcome?
11. Are there any external influences or factors that may impact the manifestation of the spell's energy?
12. What shifts or adjustments can I make to better align the energies and enhance the desired outcome?
13. What insights can can be provided regarding the overall energetic flow and potential outcome of the spell work?
14. How can I best maintain and nurture the energies set in motion by the spell to ensure a successful and harmonious manifestation?
15. What is the current trajectory or path of the energies set in motion by the spell, and what does it indicate about the potential final outcome?
16. What are the predominant energies or influences that are shaping the final outcome of the spell?
17. What factors, if any, are hindering or supporting the manifestation of the desired outcome?
18. What actions or adjustments can I take to align the energies and increase the likelihood of a positive final outcome?
19. What insights or guidance can be provided regarding the most likely final outcome of the spell, and how can I best prepare for it?
20. When can I expect to see the initial signs or indications that the spell is beginning to manifest its desired outcome?
21. What signs or synchronicities should I be attentive to, as indications that the spell is actively working?
22. Are there any specific actions or practices that I can incorporate to amplify the energy and accelerate the manifestation of the spell?
23. How can I cultivate patience and trust while waiting for the spell to manifest, and what can I do to maintain a positive mindset during this time?
24. What guidance or advice is there to help me recognize and interpret the subtle signs that confirm the spell is successfully unfolding and yielding the desired results?
25. What is the general timeline or timeframe for the manifestation of my desires?
26. How soon can I expect to see tangible results or signs of my manifestations appearing in my life?
27. Can you provide any insights or indications about when the energies I've set in motion will begin to materialize?
28. What guidance can be offered regarding the timing or pace at which my manifestations will likely unfold?
29. In what ways can I align myself with divine timing to support the timely manifestation of my desires?