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Fast Forward spell so that Time seems to pass more quickly

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 Product Description

Helps to make the wait for the thing you have been looking forward to, fly by much faster. When you are very excited for something to happen and want to make it seem like the waiting time went by in a flash! Perfecting for when you are counting down the days for something wonderful to happen!


Instructions: For each spell that you purchase, please send your details in the format below. Pics may be helpful but are not mandatory. Please send your details in questionnaire format for each and every spell you purchase.






A. Please indicate the title of spell you purchased:




B. The names and birth dates (if known) of those involved:




C. Any brief details of the situation you would like to make known:




D. You may indicate your desired focus of up to ten custom special requests:




E. What is the email address where you would like the photo of your ritual sent?






I will conduct the working for you, nothing is physically shipped to you. You will receive 1 photo of your ritual that will show its personalization, sent to your email. No description of what was done is included in order to keep this service affordable and swift casting promise. In most cases, it will be cast within 12-72 hours from when your order and information is received.








If you need your spell work cast within less than 12 hours from when your order and information is received, you may consider purchasing our optional add on upgrade Need it Cast Now Express Priority Service of 1 Spell! 1 Express Priority Service per Spell. You may purchase multiples of that upgrade if you wish


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